Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (2025)

A Dual Blades best build guide for Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise) Sunbreak. Guide includes recommended Master Rank armor, weapon, jewels, and more!

Table of Contents

  • Best Builds
  • Recommended Skils
Dual Blades Related Articles
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (1)SunbreakBest BuildEarly Game Build
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (2)RiseHigh Rank BuildBest Dual Blades

Dual Blades Weapon Tree

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Armor Builder (Skill Builder)

Dual Blades Best Builds

Best Build & Weapon For MR 1★

Recommended Weapon

Kamura Warrior Blades

Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (4)


Recommended Armor

HeadHunter's Helm XSharp Jewel 2
TorsoHunter's Mail XGrinder Jewel 1
ArmHunter's Vambrace XSharp Jewel 2
WaistHunter's Coil XGrinder Jewel 1
Grinder Jewel 1
LegHunter's GreavesSharp Jewel 2
Talisman-Attack Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 2
- Attack Boost Lv. 7
- Item Prolonger Lv. 3
- Handicraft Lv. 3
- Stun Resistance Lv. 3
- Protective Polish Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3
- Quick Sheath Lv. 2
- Ammo Up Lv. 1
DEFSunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (5)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (6)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (7)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (8)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (9)

Materials Need To Create The Armor

Required Materials
HeadPrized Pelt x 1
Eltalite Ore x 2
TorsoVelociprey Thickhide x 2
Carbalite Ore x 2
ArmJagras Shard x 2
Eltalite Ore x 1
WaistVelociprey Shard x 2
Jagras Shard x 1
LegPrized Pelt x 1
Twisted Stiffbone x 2
Features & Build Highlight
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (10)- Sharpness consumption may be mitigated by Protective Polish
- If you have enhanced high rank equipment, you can use them instead

Best Build & Weapon For MR 3★

Recommended Weapon

Bladed Edges

Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (11)

270Water 120%-

Recommended Armor

HeadVelociprey HelmSharp Jewel 2
Steadfast Jewel 1
TorsoBarroth Mail X-
ArmVelociprey BracesSteadfast Jewel 1
WaistAnjanath Coil XGrinder Jewel 1
Grinder Jewel 1
LegOrangaten GreavesGrinder Jewel 1
- Attack Boost Lv. 7
- Stun Resistance Lv. 3
- Protective Polish Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3
- Defense Boost Lv. 2
- Muck Resistance Lv. 2
- Quick Sheath Lv. 1
- Spread Up Lv. 1
DEFSunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (12)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (13)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (14)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (15)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (16)

Materials Need To Create The Armor

Required Materials
HeadVelociprey Shard x 2
Velociprey Thickhide x 1
Eltalite Ore x 3
TorsoBarroth Cortex x 4
Barroth Crown x 1
Fertile Mud x 2
Quality Fin x 2
ArmVelociprey Thickhide x 2
Tough Claw x 1
Sapphiron Ore x 2
WaistAnjanath Fur x 4
Anjanath Shard x 2
Monster Toughbone x 2
Anjanath Mantle x 1
LegOrangaten Feather+ x 4
Orangaten Talon x 2
Orangaten Tailcase+ x 1
Tiny Hermitaur Shell x 2
Features & Build Highlight
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (17)Protective Polish to avoid sharpness consumption. Add Jewels such as Expert Jewel or Sprinter Jewel depending on your liking.

Best Build & Weapon For MR 5★

Recommended Weapon

Midnight Wings+

Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (18)

DecorationsSharp Jewel 2

Recommended Armor

HeadAstalos HelmAttack Jewel 2
Attack Jewel 2
Grinder Jewel 1
TorsoAlloy Mail XTenderizer Jewel 2
ArmAstalos BracesTenderizer Jewel 2
WaistRathalos Coil XTenderizer Jewel 2
LegIngot Greaves XSteadfast Jewel 1
Talisman-Critical Jewel 2
Critical Jewel 2
- Attack Boost Lv. 6
- Stun Resistance Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3
- Protective Polish Lv. 3
- Windproof Lv. 3
- Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Chain Crit Lv. 2
- Critical Eye Lv. 2
- Stamina Surge Lv. 1
DEFSunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (19)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (20)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (21)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (22)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (23)

Materials Need To Create The Armor

Required Materials
HeadHeavy Astalos Crest+ x 1
Astalos Shard x 5
Purecrystal x 1
Monster Essence x 3
TorsoFrocium x 1
Eltalite Ore x 1
Dragonite Ore x 2
ArmAstalos Wingmembrane x 3
Astalos Scissortailblade x 1
Boltscale x 2
Overgrown Stiffbone x 2
WaistRathian Shard x 4
Rathian Cortex x 1
Rath Wingripper x 2
Rathian Mantle x 1
LegPurecrystal x 1
Meldspar Ore x 1
Sapphiron Ore x 1
Monster Toughbone x 2
Features & Build Highlight
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (24)This build gives you a 100% affinity with increased damage against weak spots. Maintain the sharpness with Protective Polish. The dual blades have a large number of moves in attack, making them a good match for the new skill "Chain Crit".

Best Build & Weapon For Endgame

Recommended Weapon

Abyssal Celestials

Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (25)

340Dragon 13-25%-
Rampage DecorationsRaging Jewel 3

Recommended Armor

HeadKaiser Crown XSteadfast Jewel 1
Steadfast Jewel 1
Steadfast Jewel 1
TorsoAelucanth Thorax X or Rhopessa Thorax X-
ArmJaggi Gauntlets XGrinder Jewel 1
Grinder Jewel 1
WaistRathalos Coil XExpert Jewel 2
LegsSquire's GreavesRazor Jewel 2
Brace Jewel 1
TalismanWeakness Exploit Lv. 2Tenderizer Jewel 2
Ramp-Up Skill: Hellion Mode- Critical Eye Lv. 7
- Attack Boost Lv. 5
- Critical Boost Lv. 3
- Windproof Lv.3
- Razor Sharp Lv. 3
- Weakness Exploit Lv. 3
- Stun Resistance Lv. 3
- Speed Sharpening Lv. 3
- Critical Element Lv. 1
- Dragon Attack Lv. 1
DEFSunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (26)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (27)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (28)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (29)Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (30)

Materials Need To Create The Armor

Required Materials
HeadTeostra Hardhorn x3
Teostra Cortex x5
Fire Dragon Hardclaw x1
Large Elder Dragon Gem x1
TorsoSplit-Jaw Butterfly x1
Giant Monster Bone x2
Rathan Cortex x2
Rachnoid Mesmersilk x2
ArmJaggi Shard x3
Jaggi Piel x2
Crushing Fang x2
Eroded Elder Skeleton x2
WaistRathalos Shard x4
Rathalos Cortex x1
Rathalos Fellwing x2
Rathalos Mantle x1
LegsRoyal Order Certificate I x1
Lightning Sac x1
Monster Toughbone x1
Goldlite Ore x1
Features & Build Highlight
Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (31)The Rampage Decoration, "Raging Jewel 3" has the skill Hellion Mode, which increases the affinity rate by 20% while attacking in Demon Mode, But take note that the sharpness degradation rate is also doubled, so having Razor Sharp or Protective Polish skill is essential for this build

Sunbreak Dual Blades - Recommended Skills

Skill NameEffectRecommended Points
Razor Sharp
Prevents your weapon from losing sharpness.[Recommended Points]
Since Dual Blades easily goes through sharpness, Razor Sharp is a must to lower continues sharpness drop. Best with Protective Polish
Protective Polish
Weapon sharpness does not decrease for a set time after sharpening.[Recommended Points]
Will help to keep Sharpness up since the Dual Blades uses up a lot of it
Attack Boost
Increases attack power.[Recommended Points]
Increase in overall damage
Any Element Attack
Increases element attack power. (Elemental attack power has a maximum limit.)[Recommended Points]
Greatly increases the Elemental Power. Since Dual Blades is greatly affected by elements, they work great together.
Speed Sharpening
Speeds up weapon sharpening when using a whetstone.[Recommended Points]
Since you will be sharpening a lot with the Dual Blades, this will make the whole process faster. Can be activated at Lv 1
Weakness Exploit
Increases the affinity of attacks that exploit a monster weak spot.[Recommended Points]
Increases the damage done when attacking monster weak spots
Critical Boost
Increases the damage of critical hits.[Recommended Points]
Raises Affinity damage. Since the Dual Blades is highly reliant with Affinity, this is a must
Marathon Runner
Slows down stamina depletion for actions which continuously drain stamina (such as dashing).[Recommended Points]
Will make it easy to maintain Demon Dance. Not essential, but it offer quality of life over power.

Skill List - Effect By Level

MH Rise Sunbreak - Weapon Related Articles

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Best Weapon Types Tier List

Sunbreak | Dual Blades Best Builds | Monster Hunter Rise - GameWith (2025)


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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.