Ideas And Plots Part 2! - Chapter 12 - EdTheBeast - Harry Potter (2024)

Chapter Text

Lily was actually a Pokegirl from another universe. She had me and made sure all the magic was in me to breed with anything. So eggs, fetus, or parthagensis. Mrs. Figg could not figure out why her Kneazles kept getting pregnant and were half breeds just like they were. The dog population got bigger. Ripper was a good bitch. A number of Milfs became mothers again. They did not mention they liked to do dogs. My magic made me into their favorite dogs, that is why they got pregnant. They thought it was their boyfriends or husband. My seed copies what is there, even if dead. So the kids looked like their spouse or significant other, but would have magic in their genes. Though there is a chance that any daughter could become a Pokegirl, so had a trace on all the daughters, which was a lot. Got to tame them all, if needed.

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After everything that happened. They waited till things settled. Hermione had talked about always having a hidden bag that had the essentials in case of emergency. After living and starving in a tent for most of a year, I agreed with her. I passed out at their place eating dinner. I awoke to Ron and Draco arguing about who would throw me into the veil. Draco said,"have your slave do it."

Ron shut his mouth. Then grabbed a ring on his ringer and commanded. "Slave do it." He saw Hermione with a face fighting itself, but levitated him and threw him into Ron and both of them went into the veil. He saw Draco AK her at the same time she did him. Many voices spoke as they tumbled around. Ron screamed as he dissolved in the blackness. A voice spoke. "Well you have the 3 parts, I'll give you 3 wishes of a sort for them. First you will go somewhere else, as I cannot allow you to go back. I will bring your soulmate that just died to you for 1 wish."

Harry was shocked and found himself in a wooded (or grassy) area. Harry agreed and got Hermione at his feet, dressed as she was. So she had her bag also. But the voice had been a prat. She was still enslaved by magic to the ring that appeared on his finger. "Between you 2 you have everything you need to survive, but not to prosper."

Hermione went over what she had with what Harry had. "For your 2nd wish, I will give you a trunk that is shrunk and weightless that will be filled with Hermione's library and all spell, ritual, enchanting, creating, and making something books from the black library. As a bonus, I make you 2 not need wands, components, or semantics to cast spells, you will need to verbalise though. So unless you use a wand, no silent spells." Harry agreed.

"Now I will offer you a choice of 3 things. #1 is the death of all those Death Eaters and supporters, as well as all that betrayed you. #2 is that you can have all your vaults and items you own here in trunks, just like the library. #3 is you can have the other soulmates from that world, or you can find them here on your own, taking the 1st or 2nd thing." Harry was stunned.

Hermione told him to take #3 as she was not sure she could have children after everything. Harry thought about it, understood that they were on another world, whether Earth or not. But he was still Harry and thought about Luna, Neville, and all the other innocents. Harry choose the first, thus saving Luna Lovegood and Neville Longbottom from death. The voice spoke again. "So be it, so it is. Thank you Harry, I'll now give you #2 and #3 and all those 3 and Hermione are now completely healthy. You are healed completely and as long as you do not have a violent death, you will not get older. That is for your soulmate slave girls too."

Harry blinked. Their was about 70 trunks, Su Li, Parvati and Padma Patil, who were all dead. Harry did not know that Parvati and Su were killed by bigots. He knew Padma had died in the year he was gone. All 4 had matching gemmed collars and a ring. You have soul mates here, but these 4 are the only ones that will live as long as you do. If one of them wishes to give up their immortality to another, who just died, they can do so.

The voice did not tell him that the girl would become a slave also. Also he did not tell him that each girl had 3 lives. If he would die, they can give up a life to save him. They will know that if he dies, they do to. (So if grassy can get Dani after she dies from the Night King. If wooded the same, but can be a different world. I would expect them to get her and her brother before they have left and become the beggar prince.)

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Vernon sold the baby Harry to a company called Symbiote EXtraordinaire. SEX was a squib/muggleborn scientific company. They experimented on all types of magicals and used them for 'parts'. These were the ones that would like to destroy the purebloods at all costs. Having the boy-who-lived to work on made them relocate with many wards against magic detection. They had several potions turned into pills that would work on non magicals. They were trying to get capsules that would be stronger. Harry died and the horcrux went bye bye. They revived him.

His mother's protection, no longer needing to fight the fake horcrux started to absorb the meds that they used on him to get stronger, faster, and smarter. By the time he was 10, he looked 13 and had hit puberty. As the Potter Luck would have it, 1 scientist and 2 security were females. They were pregnant and gravid. The guards were weres. When the 'company' used the gravid guards to see if they could enforce them not changing to save the fetuses, during change, the kids died.

They went from just playing with Harry, to complete bodyguards. They had not told the company that they already had successfully went through change with no problem. Harry had shagged them every day, when they changed, they were not 4 legged, but 2 legged canine humans. They could feel the children in their wombs. They were not in distress, like when they changed into 4 legged weres. They escaped to the goblins and using his trust vault that refills, emptied it and traded for muggle money. The goblins were happy to get rid of it. They bought a bit of land and townhouse out in the farm and woodland area.

The muggleborn guard used her maiden name. They enchanted and warded the area. They found that the dairy farm had muggleborn children, so extended the extra wards. Lisa gave birth to Lilly. Rachael and Christy both had twin girls. None of the kids changed. With Harry shagging them both, another thing happened. They did not lose their minds. The goblins accepted the girls into the Potter clan. This killed Albus's marriage contract. Rachael, Christy, and Lisa were bonded to Harry, not as wives, but concubine/slaves. Lisa was blood adopted by Harry and this made her his magical guardian. Lisa Potter.

She still shagged him, till he left for Hogwarts. The Creevey's mother did not say anything to her husband about the neighbors. Manly because they were gorgeous women and she had sex with a young man. She had no idea why, just that she got hot and did it. It was 2 months after Harry left, that she found out she was pregnant. Rachael and Christy, as well as Lisa were still shocked that they did not lose their minds when Harry was not there to shag them. He has an Allure that only attracts and binds ovulating females. But when bound, it saved their minds from being destroyed, ruined, changed, or taken over. This is why they stayed intelligent.

He saves Hermione on 'the night' his parents died. A 7th year Head girl was a half blood. She also did not drink the potion laced drinks to stop pregnancy. She gave Harry a gift for saving Hermione. She was pregnant. At X-mas, she had an abortion at home. They could not find who did it, as she could not tell them. Her pure blood father beat her excessively. She told Harry and since she was made to take the potion at the infirmary, she did not get another up the Duff.

At the end, before the exams and the Stone. Rachael and Christy killed the father, who happened to be a closet death eater. He had a pureblood wife, this was because he was a spy for Tom in the light side. The girl's mother was a concubine slave. If Harry had not done her when he got back, she would have died from the slavery magic. The daughter was no longer affected, because of Harry. So her and her mother were thought to have been taken by the werewolves who killed him. They took the pureblood mother and daughter of her also. They became Harry's also.

Many were upset that they were taken. Greyback lost over half his pack to hunters and so fled the Isles. Harry had absorbed the stone. Albus was stupid to use the real stone. Tom had been hurt badly, while Quirrell was disintegrated. He fled quickly back to Albania. So now there was 5 adult women, 2 teenage girls, and 5 female little ones. Harry emptied out the trust again, and this is how they find out that the trust cannot be used by Albus. Mrs. Creevy had a girl with green eyes and red hair. Luckily she was a auburn haired woman.

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Petunia's mum Greta Evans nee Adams had been embarrassed of her family. She was raising both of her girls the way she thought they should be raised, without weirdness or magic. She was happy when Petunia did not get a letter. But then Lilly got a letter. She played it cool and pretended it was not from her family. Actually it was from both sides. That is the reason Lily was so powerful. It was not till the family came to her mothers funeral, that she realized she was the better for not being a freak. The hairy cousin, the weird aunt and uncle, though she shivered when he kissed her hand. Fester was definitely a freak. Greta's mum was a harriden. She did not tell them that she had a freaky sister.

When Harry was dropped off on their doorstep like a bottle of milk. They immediately tried to get rid of him. He was brought back. After the third try, Petunia broke down and called her grandmother and got them to come take him. The family Addams was not happy with her. But they took him, after all the killer of their granddaughter was dead. When the wards fell, Dumbledore came and that is when he found out that Lily had been from a magical family and it was Petunia that was a squib. He had to think. He contacted his friend in MACUSA and when he mentioned Addams, his friend told him to never contact him again and forcefully closed the connection.

He definitely needed to find out what was going on now.

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Lily Potter was a genius. She had a PHD in Biophysics. She added magic, then after marrying James, she was shocked of the Family Magics that were added. She used her Slytherin side to get Sirius to blood adopt Harry, adding the Black Family Magic. It was his Peverell Family Magic that allowed her to understand that if either of them sacrificed their life for Harry; that Tom heir Gaunt-Peverell-Slytherin-Riddle would not be able to kill or even touch their baby. By the time All Hollows Eve came around, she was pregnant with a girl.

James screwed up and did not saw he would die to protect them, his take him and flee, while he holds him off was not good enough. She cried to herself as she tried to apparate, then Portkey and neither worked. Now she wished she had a broom in Harry's room. She did the deal, offering herself to not kill her children. Tom was puzzled, then thought she was stalling and killed her. Little Roses soul went to Harry, following the magic. Tom's splinter of a soul went for Harry. If not for the shrapnel from the door being blasted open, it would have 'died'. Instead it semi imbued the wood and thus covered it from the diagnostic spells.

Albus screwed up seeing the empty robes. Then detecting a possession in the scar without further checking. After 3 years the tiny piece of wood dissolved and the dead flesh around the wood allowed the Splinter to stay in the Mind's Eye area. (If you know the book, it is a great read.) Rose though was getting love from the magic, love for Harry, not knowing what she was. But was subconsciously getting a magical education from Tom and a muggle 1 from Lily's magic and mind that copied into the magic. That only happened because Tom's split also split Lily.

It is a bit of the casters magic, half their soul, and all of their knowledge at that point. By the time the Stone exploded in his had, 'her' magic knowledge was beyond even Albus's. When Ginny was dying from not enough soul. Harry had a sleeping beauty thought and kissed her. Rose went into Ginny and fused with the shreds still their, picking up all the knowledge. "Rose' never really knew she was Rose, she thought she was a fragment of Lily that had not gone into Harry's flesh. So now being in Ginny, getting the fanatical 'love' (obsession) of Harry and having the Love she already had, just made her into Harry's #1 Fan, up for anything.

It was not till the end of their third year and Ginny had become Hermione's best friend and the Trio had become more of a group as 'Ginny' pulled in Luna. Harry's enhanced biology was starting to kick itself up, due to the hugging and time turner with Hermione. In fourth year, it dropped to a Trio of girls and Harry. Then added Neville, Padma, Su, Parvati, Lavender, Katie, and 5 other younger Gryffindors. Harry's pheromones was starting to attract powerful witches that were attracted to him, it actually repelled those that did not have affections for him, just thought of him as a cash cow.

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Timmy was talking to Cosmo after his mom left after reading the last book of Harry Potter. He was not happy and Norm the Genie popped in and said he could grant another wish, but it could only give him 3 Fairy Wishes from Cosmo. He was not really thinking and Wanda was not there. "I wish I was Harry Potter in the Potter universe." Poof he was, with Cosmo with him. He first wished that all the Horcruxes were cleansed. That did not kill Tom, he stayed a spirit, but the Snake was freed, the Ring was still cursed, the Diary started a fire in the hidden Dark Artifact room. It cost them half their manner. His Scar screamed! Harry asked Cosmo to make sure Dobby got a sock and to bring him back here.

The Locket was cleaned and Kreature knew it was Harry Potter. The Tiara was cleansed and the curse was destroyed on the DADA due to the explosion of magic from the Tiara. The Cup was cleansed, but set off the duplicating spell, so it was full, when the door was opened. His second wish was for Harry to be irresistible to adult women. He bonded Dobby and wished to go to the Smallville universe and be Kal El. His mistakes were plenty. He became Kal El with Timmy's soul. Cosmo was lost in that universe. Harry had become Timmy and gotten the life he deserved. Norm was in trouble as Harry had 3 wishes and Wanda became his sexy mum. Clark Kent became Harry Potter with a family magic bonded elf and another that owed him. His powers still came, but from magic.

Timmy was stuck as Clark Kent, but he physically gained the Krypton Powers. He made sure that Lex died, the crystals were gotten, Kara and Raya became his collective, with...

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Venom was a symbiotic parasite with no intelligence. It crashed threw the roof of the Potter house as good old Tom cast a AK at Lily Marie Potter nee Evans. It was in the blast of Energy that powered it. It soaked up the Life Force and emotions of Lily. The biggest 2 emotions were Love for Harry and to protect him. The Symbiote was changed, it now had powers and forced itself towards a bleeding Harry. It had soaked up Lily's female DNA, but then touched Harry's blood. She sees the 1 that has come to kill her man and sends the AK back at him. He never noticed that Harry had had something on his face. She absorbed more of the power and quickly sent a tendrel down to absorb material. She finally formed herself when Hagrid showed up. She became Lilly (Lily II) and formed a female him that was half Lily Evans and half Harry Jamison Potter. So 'she' now looked like a younger female Lily with just a touch of James. Enough to register as a Potter.

The thing was that she picked up a full DNA muscle memory, which includes hugs and kisses, and sex with James, who looks like Harry, but with hazel eyes. Hagrid was surprised that there was a female baby, but his orders were to bring them, if alive.

Hagrid forgot to mention the baby girl under the blanket as she was still smaller. Dumbledore obliviated him massively to forget that Sirius had come and given him the motorcycle to chase after Peter. It would not do to have him be raised by Sirius. Then he sighed to himself and talked to himself about plans in order to get rid of the Longbottoms. She, who thought of herself as Lilly did not like this man, but was still weak after forming this body. She hugged Harry and by the time Petunia opened the door, she was the same size as Harry. The magic of the wards were affecting her thoughts also. Obey your elders, while Petunia got be abusive to the boy.

So Lilly was able to help Harry. She talked to him about the old man doing what looked like a memory wipe and about killing some people called Longbottoms. He also was told that Sirius was sent after the traitor Peter. Lilly was affected a bit more than Harry, because of the still forming flesh and bone. But she also hugged him and worked to eat the scar. After 9 years it worked. Lilly got many thoughts and memories that did not bother her to much. After all she was 'born' from the power of the AK and had Love of 'Harry' infused into her genetics.

She just knew that they had things to get rid of. Things like his scar. Tom never knew about what he did. He created the Power He Knew Not. When the book picked up her magic, it compared it to births in magical families. It was puzzled in that the magic was familiar and then from its creation, decided she was a bastard. So wrote her name as Lilly Potter Evans.

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The boy, Freak, Good-4-Nothing was sniffling outside, in the backyard at 2 AM. Having been locked out, for not having finished his chores, chores a brand new 5 year old should never have had. It was summer, so he was not freezing, but he was cold. He heard yowls in the night. He wished they were good doggies, not bad ones like auntie Marge had. He was still upset, starving, and cold. He did not know that a binding on his magic exploded and sent his intent and will out into the surrounding county of Surrey. 2 young ladies, sisters who due to circ*mstances beyond their control, had found themselves unable to bear children, even though the youngest was not really old enough to do so.

The oldest was old enough at 13 to do so. She and her sister had been raped and hurt. She had miscarried the following month. They had been bitten and raped by werewolves, who changed the day after kidnapping and raping them. They had told their parents, thinking they were safe. But they were killed. It was the arguing that the girls should be killed, that sent them both away. The magic pulled them in. It was as if an Alpha had called them. They snuggled into the boy for body heat, but smelled pack in some way. The younger sister was 7.

Neither knew that Harry James Potter had soul bonded them to him. They would never bite him. They were his mates, sisters, bodyguards, and familiars. Because of the bond, they became a sort of animagus. With school, they were able to hide. They had an innate notice-me-not to all muggles. But when Dudley and his new gang tried to hurt Harry, the wolves appeared. Anyone else saw a dog, not a werewolf.

Time passed. Mrs. Figgs Kneazles were very helpful of the girls. This was very telling to Harry. He had learned that they had powers and that almost no one could see them, unless they threatened him. He shared his food with them as he could. Their being invisible allowed them to scavenge a lot of food. As a matter of fact, there were rumors of Ghost dogs eating left out food. Poison did not work, though they got a bit of collywobbles. But strangely, Harry started to pick up a few wolk like traits and resistance to poison.

By the time he was 10, he was looking like a 13 year old and could become a wolk that made the girls look small. Right before his letter arrived, he hit puberty. He was confused, until he changed. He then covered them, the oldest first. In canine terms, he knotted them, but in the way he did it. It was a good call as covering, meaning loving thru sex. He came in her and his swimmers hit the jackpot. In doing the younger, he missed as she was not yet old enough to breed. Harry was an ALPHA in all ways. The girls at school flocked around him. He protected them from bullies.

Several older girls thought they knew better and used him to practice sex. They thought he was to young. As the Potter luck would have it, only 2 became pregnant. The firstr lost the baby within a few days of a month. The other was given an abortion and sent to an all girls school. Both would heed his call later.

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Harry was sitting in the tent with Hermione, discussing going to Godrics Hollow, when an ancient House Elf appeared. He staggered to Harry before either could do anything. "I'm dying Master, why did you never come, we've been dying each year you not come. I'm last. Broke word, told not to come to you. He blinked, you not Charlus... But feel you are Master Gryffindor-Peverell-Potter... I give you info to go to hidden home. His finger lite up and touched Harry with so much info, that he collapsed unconscious. The elf died. It accidently gave all its memories and info and activated the Family Magics of all 5 Houses he was Lord of, though only 3 were 'Noble'.

Hermione was in hysterics. She hugged Harry. "Don't die on me..I love you, your supposed to be mine as I am yours. Don't die on me you bastard." Harry heard her. His rings appeared on his fingers and the Gryffindor ring asked if she was to be Lady Gryffindor. Harry was out of it from all the magic and info. His body was changing. He saif Mine, when he meant Mione, the Family Magic took over. She got the Lady Gryffindor ring and a massive Family Magic download also. This was more as it included all magic only females were to know from Rowena who married into Gryffindor, but her only daughter was killed by Slytherin's Helga Hufflepuff's son, known as the Bloody Baron.

The Castle was more of a stone Keep/Manor than a castle, but it made the Goblin Warrens look like a small cave, how much was underground. It was one of the most heavily warded and well hidden in the world, because the Peverell family needed a place to hide their most precious secrets; like the fact they have the most extensive library on every subject in the world. The greatest store rooms of things in stasis. and the largest number of Family Portraits. This was because of the stone and the Peverell scion being an artist. This was before the 2 daughters married into the Gryffindor and Slytherin lines. The Potters and the Peverells were not 'real' nobles, unlike the Blacks, Gryffindors, and Slytherins. Though in truth this was when clans and tribes had chieftains that 'became' nobles and kings.

Hermione was informed about the Wizarding World, just as Harry was, but it was a 'little' bit different for the simple reason that the last Lord's Lady was a young Dorea to update. And that was after WWI, where Dorea was given a prophecy that her son would side with a man that would destroy the Family Magic, if he knew about the Home. So Charlus and Dorea locked up the 'House' and only took 1 elf with them, while the others kept everything in shape. But their mistake was not getting a few younger elves. They died before they could change orders to save their grandson.

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Harry got the full download of being Head of the Families. Luckily the Magic of the Peverells and Potters were in with the Noble House of Gryffindor. But the Family Magics of the Blacks and Slytherin took their toll on Harry. Harry was no longer the supposed leader of the light. He was a dark grey that would do as needed to protect Magic and power, while increasing his family.

The Slytherin Magic pulled 6 girls and women to him. They all had collars on them and were in a 'Gor Slave Girl' position, except the youngest. There legs folded under their hips, their chests pushed out and their heads bowed. Of course they were naked, but for the collars. The Black Family Magic pulled only 1 girl, as the other 3 were in collars on the ground. Nymphadora was in agony, luckily the marriage magic with Remus was only 'Till Death Do Us Part.' So the magic killed him. She was also naked, but had the Black Family Ring and the obedience collar of the Lord of House. The 2 Family magics were not worried about Hermione, for the Peverell magic enforces complete loyalty to the 'lord' of the house.

Andromeda Tonks, Bellatrix LeStrange, and Narcissa Malfoy all nee Black were scared to death. The Carrow twin girls, Flora and Hestia were happy, feeling the loving magic of the ancient consort contract of the Slytherin and Carrow line, even though they were just 13 years old. That was why it activated, they had hit puberty and were still virgins.

Andromeda would not have been drawn in, but for 2 things. First, she was a widow. Second was a technicality in that the Slytherin Family Magic considered her a traitor, just like her sisters. The Family Magics of all the Houses did something that in current times, would be unacceptable, but was OK earlier. Theodora Lupin-Black was chosen to be Lady Slytherin. Her collar on her 6 month old throat was special. It allowed her to become a snake and this enforced her obedience to Harry.

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Fleur told him that she and her sister needed to talk to him in the next year to 15 months and that it was important for both to do it at the same time. Fleur was pregnant right now and wanted her sister here for the birth. That would be a good time. Gabriel was getting worse, she needed to pay her life debt to Harry. She was getting sicker every month. Usually it was a solid 3 years to do it, but since she had not hit her Veela maturity yet, it took place at that time. Fleur had got pregnant on purpose as it also freezes the Veela debt till birth. So they both had a debt to pay within a year from now, maybe less.

Bill, Charlie, Percy, and Arthur dies instead of Fred, Lavender, Padma, and Tonks, which was good in that the goblins would have killed Bill. Fleur was not around the betrayer Griphook when discussing the heist. Neither was Hermione or Ron. It was Harry having Ron take care of Hermione while he planed things that also saved them from Death.

After the 'theft' of the stolen cup and its destruction. Griphook was executed after they got all the information from him. It was decided that the Wizards needed to understand that if a stolen object was placed in a vault, they could confiscate it and once proven ownership, return it, taking half the vault in recompense. Harry was held responsible as neither Ron nor Hermione had a vault. Hermione was held less at fault as women are the property of the men. Also she fought for others rights. It was a point in Harry's spot also.

Molly killing Bella got her the vault, so they confiscated that vault for Ron's 'theft' of the Dragon, after all Charlie was a Dragon handler, so Ron must like Dragons also. Also Molly was now the 'property' of the Twins and Ron, but that was business and the Twins made money, so did not take from them. Harry killing the last LeStrange male got him their vault. They confiscated the entire vault, plus the Riddle vault for Harry's damages, wergild, and 'theft'. They planned on getting all Goblin made items from all the Potter, Black, LeStrange, Avery, and Riddle property from Harry for not killing Hermione and Fleur.

They did not tell him that in doing so, by the ancient treaty, they were Harry's property. The month after he agreed, Fleur understood as she not longer felt the Veela debt, but a bond to Harry. She talked him into taking Gabriel as his bride for the Delacour Lordship. Fleur knew she was Harry's property and talked to Hermione about it. Then to Harry to find out how come they were not holding her for things also. When he said he gave up every Goblin made object in any of his properties for them not being held responsible, she knew. But she tried to wait for Hermione to understand. Harry saw them kiss, so was letting her go to Ron.

That is when she stepped in and had Hermione, Ron, and Harry in a talk. Ron cackled with glee, saying can you sell Hermione to me. I can marry Lavender and keep my property working to make money. Once Harry understood what Ron was saying, he almost killed him. It took 6 months, before Hermione understood that she was now Harry's property by magic. She got sickly, then found out that all her pay had gone to Harry, as she was his property. Harry begged her to marry him as Mrs. Potter.

It was the only way, as she could not be Lady Black, LeStrange, Avery, Gryffindor, or Slytherin. Harry had not told anyone else about the Hollows. He gave Ron the Avery title and vault for a vow of silence on anything to do with the hollows. Fleur made sure in was a binding magical vow that would kill him if he broke it. Ginny had a fit that Hermione was to be Mrs. Potter. Tonks accepted Harry as Lord Black to her Lady Black, for Teddy's future. She had fun with Fleur also.

He was upset that Victoire was also his property as she was part of Fleur when it happened. She could be a Riddle, but due to having been property, could never be a Lady. Lavender talked him into Padma and Parvati for the reason that she would be with Ron to help his issues, if Harry did so. Padma became Lady Slytherin and Parvati, Lady Gryffindor. Lavender really should have been Lady Slytherin, for she got Ron to break his vow, after he had beat her several times. The marriage went to Harry, as the title reverted back and the marriage was to Lord Avery.

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No one ever seems to comment that Lilly had bright red hair, while Petunia has dark mousy brown hair. It happened 1 time that her mother, Petunia's stepmother, and her were talking about coloring their hair to reddish brown instead of the blonde they both were. It was accidental magic that turned both of them to a bright red. After finding out that they could make it permanent, they did so. It changed their Succubus magic a bit. It was more Veela like, but enslaved the man more. It was this reason that Lily really did not sleep with anyone. Well that was not true, her mother and her had drained many violent criminals of their life force. It was a true accident and the electric wires hitting the car, frying both her parents that Lily was alone. Her step sister never wanted her.

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He and Ginny had tried to have an actual relationship, but that petered out over the summer before they returned to Hogwarts for their final year. He'd had a pretty active sex life after that, when he finally relaxed and allowed himself to live. With the attention he got from witches being the Chosen One and the man who beat Voldemort. It was like he had taken Felix Felicis. For a few months after their breakup he hadn't made the most of all that attention.

He had not been in a serious relationship since then. He saw no reason for one. He was showing his dogfather attitude to all the beautiful witches that flocked to him without him needing to do any trying. Harry Potter was the most famous wizard in the world. True he had not known it then, but since then. It mattered not where they lived, they dropped their skirts and robes. It seems that the further away a person was from the Dark Lord, the worse it was for them, when he died. Anyone with a Dark Mark outside Britain had died. It was a surprise to many ministries, just how many Death Eaters they had in their governments.

Many governments fell and since 99% of the dead were male, the females took over in most of those countries. They sent their daughters here as ambassadors to thank him. So he made the most of that fame and his bachelor status, let alone the Lordships that all those women wanted. Beautiful witches often found their way into his bed, several of them at the same time. He had several goes with twins and 1 time with triplets. The 1 time he found out it was a guy that took a potion to be a girl had ruined him for the random sex.

His taking advantage of Hermione, when Ron screwed up and had a fling, he saying why can't he since Harry does it. That had led her to do it with him. Ron vowed to never be with another girl, unless Hermione OK'd it. Losing Hermione back to Ron decided him to leave the country and travel.

****************** Inspired By: Murphey's law by By: kathryn518 *******************

If anything can go wrong it will go wrong. With the Potter addendum: At the worst possible moment or in the most humiliatingly way possible...or both!

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In 5 galaxies far, far, away; in 7 universes out of hundreds of thousands of Multiverses, things did not go as they would have. At the exact same nanosecond, 3 experiments of similar, but different things, happened. In these universes, the things caused others to go back to the drawing boards as they thought it did not work. Losing the slaves, clones, test subjects was no big thing, after all you can't make an omelet without braking eggs. If not for an interdimensional being, pushing a hole in the Megaverse, there is no telling what would have happened to those others.

In our galaxy, on our Earth, in our time, among the same number of Multiverses, in a single universe, Magic (the Force) ('god') answered a wish and prayer. Harrison James Black-Emrys-Gryffindor-Hufflepuff-LeFay-Peverell-Potter-Ravenclaw-Slytherin spoke, standing in the center of a hexagram and 'circle', so the center plus 12 spots. "Please bring me someone to want and love me!"

This was the 1st full on test with the new slave chips. The teleporter would dematerialize the slaves from the sending platform and transport them to the receiver station. Upon rematerializing, they would bond to the 1 there. So the sale would be done. It was also the 1st test with multiple races. Juhani was a Cathar and Jedi Guardian. Tenel Ka Djo was a female Hapan Jedi Knight. Pluma Sodi was a member of the Kage Warriors, her gold striking eyes, pale skin, and blond hair made her a beauty. The Sephi was a Jedi Master-Consular named Fay, a perfect Tolkien elf. And distinguished by their feline appearance, having pointed ears and clawed hands, a very rare Zygerrian pacifistic pleasure girl named Fransgal Tarff; 3 near humans and 2 felines. (1)

This was the 1st full on test with multiple near human races. Arkanians are experts in genetic engineering, they create slaves, using cloning. The teleporter would dematerialize the test subjects from the sending platform and transport them to the receiver station. Sintas Vel is a female Kiffar, who became a bounty hunter at a young age, she was heavily modified. A Mirialan force healer known as Barriss Offee. Rillao, who was a Force-sensitive female Firrerreo who was trained with using the Force for healing. Irizi'in'daro or Ziinda, was a Chiss female who served as a force bodyguard. And an Arkanian Offshoot Arkanian trained as an assassin-bodyguard named Jarael Edessa. She is hot-tempered with green eyes and hands like Humans and pointed ears. Each of the test clones would pick up the male pheromones and bond with him till they die, after he gets bored with them. (2)

This was the 1st full on test with multiple Force sensitive races. The teleporter would dematerialize the prisoners from the sending platform and transport them to the receiver station. After all none of them can be allowed to live says the Emperor Vader. A Zeltron chief mechanic, Delilah Blue. A Zabrak who possessed powerful empathic powers named Maris Brood. A female green-skinned Twi'lek Padawan named Laranth Tarak. A female Togruta Jedi Padawan named Ashara Zavros. And last a Dathomirian Jedi-Witch named Kirana Ti. (3)

Now that was the 3 experiments, in 3 others, the single female pilots of 3 ships, ceased to exist as they entered hyperspace while exploding. 1 accident due to poor maintenance, 1 sabotage, and 1 bomb. 1 Human Jedi Master-Consular named Aris Vauranelle (4); 1 Sephi Jedi Master-Healer named Faye (5); and 1 Dathomirian Jedi/Sith Master/Lord-Protector, named Asajj Ventress (6). In the last universe, A Morellian Enforcer military trained Star pilot/Smuggler/Bounty Hunter and land force leader named Tara Warran; who was accidently sent through a white hole as she abandoned ship (7).

If not for an interdimensional being, pushing a hole in the Megaverse, there is no telling what would have happened, but Magic (the Force) ('god') was pissed at those of the world, and wanted these women to have a good master. The micro slave chips and mini-bombs disappeared. But the Pheromone response to the genetic engineering was implanted in them all.

But The Force felt what was happening and decided to dump a few things that should not have been engineered by anyone. (8) a female assassin droid EV1, that had been created to be alive, by an ancient grey Jedi/Sith (think the liquid terminator). (9) a Pure-blooded Theelin breeder, she acts like a Siren/Veela cross. (10) is a human looking brown haired girl in a crystal coffin. (11) is another Sephi breeder-Healer that would like the other, breed true and only females of her race. (12) seemed to have no one and nothing in it. Harry was not worried.

(12)The young interdimensional being was female, very young, and affected by the things the others were. But she was still trying to figure out how to become material, she could affect physical and mental, just not yet become physical. But she felt the danger from the plague in the Sith cloned girl, Bastila Shan, so removed it. She also gave the droid a womb that would work, as well as ovaries, thinking she could create a body to inhabit. But as with all of these, they are very young.

The felines Fransgal Tarff and Juhani, would now register as a polyjuice accidents. Delilah Blue and Ziinda would show as a color changing accident. The others as Transfiguration accidents.

Jedi Padawans, Knights, and Masters: Tenel Ka Djo, Fay, Juhani, Barriss Offee, Rillao, Maris Brood, Delilah Blue, Laranth Tarak, Ashara Zavros, Kirana Ti, Aris Vauranelle, Faye, and Asajj Ventress. Add (Bastila Shan and 11)

Fighters, bodyguards, and assassins: Pluma Sodi, Sintas Vel, and Jarael Edessa. Add (EVE)

Fransgal Tarff and (9) are only sex and breeding.

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Hermione had started working with MI5 and the Unspeakables. Ron was jealous, thinking she was meeting Harry, so he made a deal with Draco to get a 100,000 galleons for helping them get Harry and Teddy, so Draco would get the Black inheritance as Harry made Teddy his heir. Draco stupidly did not tell Nott and Avery about the deal. So when he went to Hermione and said they had her husband and lover, she did not believe him. She shot him dead. They tried to kill Harry several different ways, but he kept coming back to life, he even regrew his head. They were getting scared and Draco had not come back from where ever he was going.

Ron was getting upset that Harry would just not die. Ron mentioned that if he could not die, it was to bad they did not have a rocket or cement to encase him in. They got it explained and they found a place that was pouring concrete. They had Harry chained and dumped him in it. Harry's last sight and hearing was Ron spewing about him being Hermione's lover and him getting paid for delivering him to Draco. Nott and Avery killed Ron and dumped him into the cement also.

Hermione, Teddy, and Andromeda had the ability to get money from Harry's vaults, up to 10% of them each year. The interest was more than 10% per year, so Harry was not worried. The goblins told Hermione and 'Andy' that Harry was not dead, but Ron was. So Hermione got the vault Ron had, that Harry had set up and told drunk Ron about, but forgot. Teddy was the heir of Draco, so they got the Malfoy money. Narcissa had killed herself after they told her Draco was dead.

Harry woke, seeing several alien lifeforms that looked like different species, and a weird looking tall house elf with covered ears. Even with the war going on with the Separationists, the finding of a human, alive, incased in rock, dating from 20+ thousands years had brought 5 Jedi. It was the Potter luck that it was Padawan Ahsoka Tano, Master Aayla Secura, Master Shaak Ti, and Knights Doosan a Dathomirian, and Tasha a Zeltron. Doosan was also a Bio scientist, Tasha a cryogenic specialist, the other 3 are fighter protector types.

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This Universes Watcher was not happy. Ultimately, it was things like this that created the Anti-Monitor. Looking over the future paths for this planet Earth, it sees that they become the conquers and killers of most of the Galaxy. All deo to this being that wants immortality and from his self mutilation is crazy. But even with his death, it leaves to many of his like minded in charge and not enough others. Part of the problem is that the others all think it is the humans responsibility and so they end up extinct.

Maybe a little nudge like the humans are getting would help. Then also some help from a few other universes. In a number of those, many heroes live and die before they can do anything and pulling them here to help the child would help. But I must not directly push an outcome. Give him choices to help. A choice each year on him Anniversary of the event. But also a warning each time...

That old for a human goat F****r! It will need more, because of that interfering senile fool. The child would need 3 choices to help him in the next 10 years. I see that it is really his fault, the others are his fault. Hmmm... I will need to change the possible choices a bit. This is not optimal. But with these other choices, he could be healthy at least.

The problem was, that even though the child was intelligent, the senile 1 had put chains on him and so could not think well. So his choices were more emotional. Harry Jameson Potter-Black-Gryffindor-Peverell-Slytherin heard a voice stating that he could have 3 to help him in the coming year, but to be careful of his choices. That the old fool had changed things, so he got 3 to help him in the coming pain caused by the fool.

Harry is looking at a thousand or more windows. He sees, but does not really understand the explosions, and light shows. He just sees about 30 red headed young women that look like his mum. He picks 3 of them. The Monitor face palms, but does it. Maybe next year, with their help, he will pick better.

Callina 'Callie' Lindir-Aillard, 40 year old Keeper of the Hastur laran Matrix. (Think Jean Grey powers, ultimate telepath, but 'magical bloodline'.) She was there in her young 18 year old body, looking 20ish, but because of her powers, physically 16. A 'sword and sorcery' type with some high tech knowledge.

His 2nd choice was another red haired, green eyed woman. Sonja, the sword and sorceress, who died in childbirth comes through, her red hair and green eyes, exactly like Lily Evans. But mentally bound to Harry and the Watcher again face palms, a baby.

His 3rd choice was another red haired, green eyed woman. In this timeline, she had died in the Invasion of New York. And since the Woman was 92 at that point, she looked a middle 20 year old. Natalia Alianovna "Natasha" Romanoff, known as the Black Widow, became mentally bound to the both of the 'children' and her sister wife, Callie.

Sonja was not happy being a child again. The mental bonding of the 4 gave the other 3 the knowledge that someone had interfered and they were sitting on a porch, in 39 degree weather, and that the wards would be powered from Harry. None of them were happy. Luckily, Callie knew of a blood adoption that would work for Natasha, as well as them. Natasha was super powered, not magically powered.

Since she had her equipment removed in the Red Room, she could not have children. She can have fun with all of them, though Callie knew of a way, but it would require a few years. The Lords of Darkover had a magical way to prevent inbreeding of negative effects, though too much, still could cause mental problems by being to powerful. The blood adoption would give them the key to the Potter and other holdings.

Natasha would be pissed, but that learning that the female is the deadliest, but must listen to the male, is imbedded in the other 2 at a genetic level. So they do not believe that they can be the head of any of his families. They are right. Death watched this change and splitting in this universe in 2 of this Multiverse, of this Megaverse, of the Omniverse. She snickered at this Watcher of this Universe as he made a copy of himself, this 1 not doing anything. Yes that Anti-monitor wipes out a few universes, but this was the seed of all their discontents.

She decided to play and help with the Goblins and others. This would create another Multiverse and of course more death, as without life, there can be no death. A very boring situation. Maybe this could even create a new Megaverse, depending on this Watcher.

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The rate of Magical Power produced by a witch or wizard stayed the same throughout their whole life, while their Magical Core continued to grow with age. So the older they were, the more powerful. But you shouldn't be surprised if the rate of growth was different between people. Really powerful wizards are older, but have a faster Magical Core growth. The bigger the Magical Core, the stronger the wizard is, obviously. Children of Fate, always had faster growing cores.

Squibs are simply put, a squib is a wizard or witch whose Magical Core wasn't allowed to grow. Meaning a squib's Magical Core growth was stunted or defective, possibly from inbreeding. Their Magical Core was still small, making them incapable of casting the simplest of spells.

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'They need another upgrade! The 1 they called Merlin did well, but not enough. There is a crazy 1 killing to many of them. So there is this female praying to us to save her son. If we upgrade him, he could spread the upgrades, just like Merlin did. What if we upgrade the 1 in her womb also. If they also mate, the upgrades will multiple. Let us watch and intervene as needed.' The crazy being came, killing the female's mate, she begged him to kill her, but let her child live. He launched the power to kill her. But something else happened.

Her life force reflected it back destroying his body. They saw that his soul was fragmented, missing most of it and broke again. a part heading for their upgrade. They froze everything. 'Hmmm. If we give him the knowledge of this soul fragment, he would not need us past this point, but what if we take her, add this, then split them and put her into the fetus and mature it to maturity. then both would be extra upgraded and together. These young beings mate all the time. The older male will mate with the younger female and others due to this bond here.'

A different being replied though. 'But there are so many that did not get the last upgrade, we need to add a more basic upgrade to the male and extend the fertility of the female. We could give them an additional upgrade.'

The first being replied, 'yes we could, let us double their longevity. The Merlin upgrade lasted 250 turnings, if we double that, they should spread the upgrades over that time.' These beings could be considered gods. The problem with this is that they did not notice the other being playing on this planet. Many thought that this being was called Death. The Hollows would make the 1 who held 1 double their life span. Holding 2 would triple it, holding all 3 would increase that 5 times.

The other beings did not truly understand physical reality and bonds therein. Rose 'Lily' Potter was magically bonded to Harry James Potter. He was already going to live over 500 years do to his magic and the health 'system' of the present time versus the 800's. So Harry and Rose could live a thousand years, with the Hollows 5000 years, and that is with no medical breakthroughs. Harry has a pheromone that acts like the Veela allure, but causes only ovulating females to go sex crazy on him. After they will not remember having sex. Will not remember him. But green eyes would become very common in Britain, America, and the rest of the world.

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Harry does not remember how he got here. Only that she had taken him under her arms. Taught him how to change shapes. To be any Pokemon there was. To be the male of them. But then she said it was time to be a human again. Once that Destiny is done, he will come to a different here and be with them. The Master they were promised. Harry was back at #4 Privet Drive, but he was not alone. She had sent a few with him. A Ghost type, named Dani, that looks like a girl. A Pikachu, but she disappears at times, almost like a ghost. An Earth type, that can become a rock creature and fade into the ground or stone buildings. And an Air type, that is a beautiful bird that could vanish into thin air (pun intended). But they were different from the normal Pokemon. They were females. They made his body hurt, then they helped make it better.

Ideas And Plots Part 2! - Chapter 12 - EdTheBeast - Harry Potter (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.